Laser Tattoo Removal

LUX Series tattoo removal devices work by utilising a high powered Q- Switched Nd:YAG laser known for their outstanding ability to remove a variety of tattoo inks. The light is aimed at the unwanted tattoo, and then applied to the skin in pulses. This process allows the tattoo to absorb the light, which in return shatters the pigments into tiny fragments. The fragments are then removed by the body natural filtration system. The result leads to permanent fading of the tattoo, or removal of the tattoo altogether.

Tattoo Removal Explained

1. Tattoo ink is covered by a layer of melanin.

3. When the laser strikes the tattoo ink, it shatters into fine particles

2. A highly focussed laser rapidly delivers a beam of light to the darker tattoo area

4. The shattered particles are dispersed through the body’s natural filtration (lymphatic) system

Tattoo Removal is recommended to have 4-6 weeks between treatments.

  • Straight after Removal Treatment

  • 1 week after Treatment

  • Results after 1 Tattoo Removal Treatment


Tattoo Removal Consultation
30 min | $50

For patients who wish to have a consult to discuss tattoo removal treatment options. You must have a consultation before we can begin the procedure of removing your tattoo to discuss a treatment plan.
Pricing is dependant on size and colour of tattoo. Please allow a additional $10-$20 for aftercare. 

Cost of consultation is redeemable on first treatment.

Laser Tattoo Removal
From $99

*A consultation appointment must be had before booking a removal treatment*